16 d’abr. 2006

Boris Daussà-Pastor

BORIS DAUSSÀ-PASTOR is a performer, director, and theatre scholar from Barcelona. He is currently a Professor of Theatre Theory and History at Institut del Teatre in Barcelona, and a Theatre PhD candidate at The Graduate Center-CUNY (New York), as well as affiliated research scholar at Kerala Kalamandalam (India). He specialized in Indian theatre and dance, and he is writing his dissertation on the effect of Indian nationalism and nation building on the training and stage conventions of kathakali. He earned a Theatre MA degree from Hunter College, and taught at Hunter College and Brooklyn College for four years. He also teaches movement workshops using some of the basics aspects of kathakali training for the development of the body presence and creativity of non-kathakali performers. He has published several articles in academic journals as well as a training guide for kathakali body-exercise routine. He is an active member of the academic community; currently a board member of the Association for Asian Performance (AAP), and co-organizer of this year’s conference of the International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR).

Negotiating Tradition and National Identity: Kathakali en route to Indian Nation Building.

Email: boris@lacalba.com